
Tips On Caring For Eye Health

Eyes are organs of the body of the most amazing. The eyes are the window of the world. With our eyes can see the green leaves, blue sky, colorful flowers, the whiteness of the snow and all the beauty of the world.After many years of living in the beauty of it, what happens when everything suddenly turned into dark?

Blindness or loss of vision is a major health problem in several countries in both the developing and developed countries. In America, almost 3.3 million inhabitants aged over 40 years experience of blindness due to various reasons.

The main cause of blindness is due to the aging process as cataract disease (turbidity on eyepiece), glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and makular degeneration. In addition, pregnant women are also susceptible to blindness as a result of the instability of hormonal levels, high blood pressure and diabetes.

In a world of multiple health we hear the term ' better to prevent than cure '. So is the case with health problems. It would be better if all the early us realise would risk factors that endanger the health of the eye so that we avoid whenever possible.

These risk factors can be derived from the work we do daily as well as habits bad habits that often we do at home. The following risk factors are factors that endanger the health of the eye where we work:
Irritants and corrosive ingredients.
Flashing lights are too bright.
Ultraviolet radiation of electricity-related work.
Twig twigs.
Dust and dirt.
Particles are small particles of iron-cutting activities, saws, digging and other activities.
Fiber flakes of fiberglass.
If for a job you can't shy away from these risk factors, you should use appropriate eye protection standards.Some things to watch out for when choosing a glass eye protection are:
Not easily scratched and have good quality.
Follow International safety standards for eye protection.
Have good ventilation.
Clearly visible.
Does not interfere with vision.
Can protect eyes from harmful radiation.
Does not interfere with the comfort of work.
Light and fit the size of your eyes.
In addition to mechanical protective, don't forget to protect the eyes from the body by consuming foods that contain vitamin, mineral and anti oxidants. Avoid foods that are not good food bad for health in General.

To prevent the transmission of infectious diseases of the eye, you can perform the following steps:
Make it a habit to wash your hands before or after doing certain activities.
Avoid exchange rate tools make up eye or eye drops medicine.
Do not touch the tip of the hand-eye drops medicine.
Do not immerse your contact lens with the mouth or saliva.
By doing these things above, so you will still be able to enjoy the beauty of the world while entering the age of 40 years.


MR.W said...

support for u.pls support back!

Trayez said...

nice info


Jun said...

Hi, this is a very informative post...

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